With the dawning of Spring A.K.A. the ever escalating party season here at 132 North 5th it’s time to fire up the blog again. All I ask is that YOU DON’T shoot the messenger. With that – this was in the 132north5@gmail.com mailbox this morning sent by anonymous …. Here we go!
As if the ever growing garbage was not bad enough on the roof I went up there at about 11:00 PM last night and there was not one, but two unattended fires going.
I’ll say it again - two burning fires with no one on the roof! One was burning in a new Hibachi/mini grill sort of thing, (I say new because the box it came in was littering the roof right next to it –of course) and the other unattended flames could be found in the round portable fire pit which has been on the roof since time immemorial. The fire pit was recently relieved of its contents of spent beer cans and rank garbage etc. by simply dumping it on the roof. Nice!
Oh, Btw, the Hibachi was butting up against the tar wall. UNATTENDED!
Can you fucking believe it?
Who are you?
How could you be that FUCKING stupid?
The new tenants in this building become more moronic as time goes on.
If I find out who you are I am taking the contents of those grills and any associated garbage and I will happily dump them on your front door.
Wake the fuck up!
the party beer pong and FREE KEY STONES? sick what apt # i'll be there!
i hope all these old whiney wankers get a life or move out. i feel bad for anyone over 30 that lives in this building get over it you too old!
<3 <=====00,
sampy aka the party monster
p.s. move to park slope
Dorm? Over the age of 25? Move to Park Slope?
What has this got to do with leaving unattended fires on the roof?
To the poster - first of all, I understand you're angry about the major disrespect going on in the building, but if you really want to get your point across threatening people is probably not the best way to go about it. I'm upset too, people feel entitled to treat this building however they want. Leaving trash about for someone else to pick up. Maybe they still think their mother/maid will do it for them, who knows. But point is that people, dorm or not, 18 or 99, need to be mindful of their neighbors. And if you're having a party and your guests litter, pick up after them. If you're dog is on the roof, clean up their shit. That's just gross. There was a Valentine's Day party that no one cleaned up after for months. That's just crazy. But people, stop insulting each other. It will make the living situation better for everyone.
hello frat boys and girls.
go ahead - throw your pathetic excuses for parties.
i'll make sure to call the cops if your guests disrespect our building. that extends to loitering in hallways, loud music , graffiti, overcrowding on the roof.
get a fucking life. or move back to the midwest.
I'm with Mike. You guys are twats.
tweeter twats
mike what are you, like 35? obviously the first 2 posts were jokes, get with it old man!
you shouldn't be using blogs any way, you too OLD
move to long island
who those who wont shut up about the roof:
You know, this take it or leave it attitude that some of you have is very disturbing, disrespectful and quite frankly unfair to the rest of us.
That’s why this exists …
The Number of the 94th Precinct Police Dept. (our precinct) is
718 802 3879
Calling this number is so much faster than 611 when shutting down an inappropriately loud or destructive party.
Any time after 10:00PM 7 days a week they show up and shut you down.
It’s funny, it’s not even up for discussion.
This is especially true after the Obama Election night victory melee on Bedford Avenue. The public support the Police got for trying to control that crowd was overwhelming. I laughed my ass off when I saw the cell phone video of the Police pushing that scrawny obnoxious little hipster into a pile of garbage.
Leaving burning shit on the roof EVEN ONCE is unacceptable.. who wants to help me carry the apparatuses in question down to the trash?
Let's do that.
"stuff is starting to come again"
thats what she said
You have to admit under 25 or not that was pretty stupid.
The night in question, regarding the burning grills, there were 2 or 3 crowds of people grilling on the roof, as my buddies and I were one of them. After we were done grilling, we cleaned up all of our trash, and brought our mess down to our apartment. Someone had asked if they could use our grill when we left, and I made the mistake of not going back to the roof later to make sure that it was all cleaned up and that the fire was put out. So I apologize for any problems that my friends and I may have caused and promise that it will never happen again. So please understand that a mistake was made and the best that can be done is to make sure it never happens again. After all, we all make mistakes and can hopefully learn from them.
Little do you guys know that corporate taste-makers read this blog, and 6 months from now, they're going to have packaged your "accidentally burning your own building down" trend and will be selling it to the tween audience.
Enjoy your relevance now, guys!
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